Open Houses/Tours



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View the Open House Calendar


2024 TAR Tour Schedule


Open House Policies

Request a property for a Brokers’ Open Tour
(for TAR Sponsored Tours ONLY).
Please sign up for your individual Open Houses via Flex
Fill out the form and submit your information. We will confirm your open house via email.
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1. Deadline for listings to be added to a tour
The deadline for listings to be added to a tour is no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the tour date. For example, if a tour is scheduled for December 17th, then the last day to add your listing is December 10th, by 3 pm.
2. The TAR Office will arrange advertising for the tour / when applicable
• An ad will be placed in the Telluride Daily Planet, most likely in the form of a ½ to full page ad listing the properties scheduled on the tour. The deadline to withdraw a listing from a tour, is three (3) calendar days prior to the tour date, by 5 pm. If advertising has been arranged and finalized prior to withdrawal from the tour, the listing broker of the withdrawn listing is still expected to contribute towards the cost of the advertising.
• “All TAR members are prohibited from directly contacting any publisher in regard to any advertising by TAR of any TAR Broker Open House Tour without written authorization from TAR.”
• The TAR Office will divide the total cost of any newspaper ads by the total number of listings on the tour, and subsequently invoice each listing broker for their share of the advertising costs.
• Only properties entered into the Flex system (Active Status) by the deadline described above will appear in the ad.
• The TAR Office will also send e-mails to the membership, notifying our members of the tour properties, time, locations, etc.
3. Listing Broker Responsibility
• Brokers with listings on the tour are expected to have their properties open, with signs readily displayed in order to make locating the property easier for both the public, and other brokers.
• Any broker with a property on a tour is required to attend the GM meeting. Failure to attend the GM meeting without prior notification to TAR will result in the prohibition of that broker putting a property on the next tour. A second violation in 18 months will prohibit the broker from putting a property on tour for the next three consecutive tours. An alternate penalty on any single violation regarding the tours/GM Meeting is to pay $100 fine which will be donated to the FTHBAF, Hoot Brown Scholarship or TARPAC, the REALTOR’s choice.
• Any broker with a property on a “TAR Sponsored Tour” must follow the TAR opening/closing procedures/policy. The property must be staffed, opened on time, and be open the entire span of the tour hours. Failure to abide by this policy without prior notification to the TAR Office will result in the prohibition of that broker putting a property on the next tour. A second violation in 18 months will prohibit the broker from putting a property on tour for the next three consecutive tours. An alternate penalty on any single violation regarding the tours/GM Meeting is to pay $100 fine which will be donated to the FTHBAF, Hoot Brown Scholarship or TARPAC, the REALTOR’s choice.